Washington Septic Pumping Service Provides Septic Maintenance For Locals
If you live in the Seattle area of Washington, your home could be on one of several types of sewage treating systems, and this depends on th...

If you live in the Seattle area of Washington, your home could be on one of several types of sewage treating systems, and this depends on the age of the house. No matter what system your house utilizes it is important to keep it in good condition. Your Washington septic tank pumping company is the place to call when you need service.
Older homes in King County may have simple systems that hold between 750 and 950 gallons. If your house was built before 1980 your home's system should be pumped about every three years or so. This keeps it functioning properly so it has the right amount of sludge, water, and scum.
If your house is newer than thirty years old, it may have a two-compartment system. These systems usually pumped every 3 to 5 years, depending on the size of the household, as large families can make a sewage treating system work hard. A dual system has an outlet filter and it needs to be cleaned and checked out each year.
Although many tanks work by utilizing gravity, some have pumps. If your system has a pump for drainage it is vital to keep the pump in good condition. Make sure your pump is inspected every time you have service.
If you have no idea what type of system you own, it is important to call a professional service to your home. When tanks become full, it can place scum or sludge into the drain system and the drain field. This can stop up the drain field pipes, resulting in some very expensive repairs.
An improperly maintained sewage system can cause home drains to run slow and completely stop. This can cause raw sewage to back up into bathrooms and kitchens and can be hazardous to your health. The easiest way to maintain your system is to contact a professional service. They are there to locate tanks and lids, and they provide pumping service and repairs.
Click here for an overview of the reasons why you should hire a septic contractor, today. You can also get more information about a reputable Washington septic tank pumping company at http://www.LillySeptic.com now.
Older homes in King County may have simple systems that hold between 750 and 950 gallons. If your house was built before 1980 your home's system should be pumped about every three years or so. This keeps it functioning properly so it has the right amount of sludge, water, and scum.
If your house is newer than thirty years old, it may have a two-compartment system. These systems usually pumped every 3 to 5 years, depending on the size of the household, as large families can make a sewage treating system work hard. A dual system has an outlet filter and it needs to be cleaned and checked out each year.
Although many tanks work by utilizing gravity, some have pumps. If your system has a pump for drainage it is vital to keep the pump in good condition. Make sure your pump is inspected every time you have service.
If you have no idea what type of system you own, it is important to call a professional service to your home. When tanks become full, it can place scum or sludge into the drain system and the drain field. This can stop up the drain field pipes, resulting in some very expensive repairs.
An improperly maintained sewage system can cause home drains to run slow and completely stop. This can cause raw sewage to back up into bathrooms and kitchens and can be hazardous to your health. The easiest way to maintain your system is to contact a professional service. They are there to locate tanks and lids, and they provide pumping service and repairs.
Click here for an overview of the reasons why you should hire a septic contractor, today. You can also get more information about a reputable Washington septic tank pumping company at http://www.LillySeptic.com now.